Apparently not only Ari Lasso that was interested performing a duet with the Flower of Citra Lestari (BCL), the manufacturers of the virus then wanted him.If Ari Lasso performed a duet with BCL produced the beautiful song, the manufacturers of the duet-performing virus with BCL to spread the deadly virus. For the manufacturer of the virus, the BCL name was considered really sold so as they then extracted this name to provoke his casualties undertook the virus.At this time has circulated the Bonek virus, or that more was known by the name of Love-Chaca.
This virus forged itself as file the JPEG picture by the name of the "Bikini of Bunga Citra Lestari".
Vaksincom, through Norman Virus Control, detected this Bonek Love Chaca virus as W32/SillyFDC.F.
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